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Local Solutions to Climate Crisis

What actions are we taking to invest in climate solutions? ReImagine Turtle Creek is hosting a panel discussion to explore local solutions to the climate crisis. Topics of discussion include regional EcoDistricts, chemical air quality studies, the role of public transportation in increasing equity and reducing greenhouse gas, and sustainable development on the municipal level.

Local Solutions to Climate Crisis Expert Panel

ReImagine Turtle Creek Watershed and Airshed Communities (TCWAC)

October 4th, 2021, 7-8:30 PM

In the midst of increasing natural disasters and resource shortages, Pittsburghers are struggling to grapple with how the climate crisis is impacting their everyday lives. This virtual event asks Pittsburgh-based environmental professionals to outline how the Southwestern Pennsylvania region can and is confronting the global crisis. The event is held in partnership with Climate Reality Project’s Pittsburgh and Southwest PA chapter.

TONIGHT, October 4th @ 7pm

The panel will answer the question: “how is climate change tackled on a local level?” by highlighting the actions that organizations, institutions, and individuals are taking to invest in climate solutions. Each speaker will be presenting their work toward climate solutions and then joining a panel discussion to answer questions from attendees.


  • Dr. Patricia DeMarco - Forest Hills Borough Councilmember, Chatham University Senior Scholar

  • Dr. Neil Donahue - Carnegie Mellon University College of Engineering

  • Laura Chu Weins - Pittsburghers for Public Transit Executive Director

  • Megan Tuñón - Etna Community Organization Executive Director

Moderated by Larry Schweiger, former CEO of the National Wildlife Federation

Grassroots change requires discussion, collaboration, and passion to create the future we want to see in the Turtle Creek Watershed and beyond. Learn about local responses, actions, and projects at 7 pm on Monday, October 4th.


ReImagine Turtle Creek Watershed and Airshed Communities Plus (TCWAC) is a grass-roots economic and community development initiative in eastern Allegheny and western Westmoreland counties. The initiative is a partnership project between Climate Reality Project, League of Women Voters, Protect PT, and Sustainable Monroeville. TCWAC hosts monthly educational programming that explores local sustainable/regenerative practices and projects.


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06. Okt. 2021

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07. Okt. 2021
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